Japonism now and then - one night about the seduction of the Japanese. Films and lectures on art and indigo.
This evening is dedicated to the influences of Japanese art and crafts, fashion and aesthetics on our Western culture, which in 1872 was named japonism. Our three great - Anders Zorn, Carl Larsson and Bruno Liljefors - were all strongly influenced by japonism, which is still quite unknown. The short film Japan my native country portrays their attraction to the Japanese.
For example, while Carl Larsson had to settle for meeting his Japanese masters in the form of woodcuts, arts and crafts and exhibitions in Paris, the textile artist Camilla Carlund Hickman 2015 went to Japan to learn the knowledge of the thousand year old tradition of natural indigo coloring. The film The Indigo Master tells about the meeting between her and the famous Indian master Hiroyuki Shindo and about a different way to relate to nature and time, art and craftsmanship.
Welcome to this first show of art film at Thielska Gallery!
Brief talk about japonism by Patrik Steorn, museum director Thielska Galleriet
View of Japan my native country (10 min.), Introduction Susanne Concha Emmrich
View of the Indigo master (58 min., En / eng), introduction Elisabeth Márton
Conversation with the audience.
The event will be given in Swedish.